What’s It Worth?

For years, we’ve learned what has value and what doesn’t. We want to get you the most money we can for your best items and likewise, we want to be honest with you when our experience tells us something has no value.
Many types of collectibles and antiques have become worth much less due to the generational divide. Generation ‘X’ does not want heirloom furniture or fancy China sets! I know you think your children want your stuff and you tell yourself that is why you are saving it but they don’t! Many of our clients are seniors who need a helping hand to sort and pack things up and we’re happy to provide that assistance. While some items no longer have the value they used to, other things may be worth more than you think. Don’t spend hours researching a whole house full of stuff when all you have to do is give us a call. Some things that we take: identifiable antiques, fine art, fine jewelry, fine art glass & pottery, musical instruments, modern or vintage electronics, collectibles such as figurines, coins, tools, computer related items, high-end, vintage or antique toys and games, history related items, name brand leather goods, music film and sports memorabilia, military related items, model trains, high end hobby and crafting items, business & industrial equipment… almost anything with a perceived value of more than $50. Scroll down for a directory of hundreds of items that we have handled over the past few years and what the sold prices were. Give us good stuff and we will get you great results. We offer formal and informal estate appraisals so if you have a whole house full of things to sort, let us help you sort the trash from the treasure!
Vintage Trifari Pink Blue Rhinestone Bracelet Clipon Earrings Set
Sale Price: $647.00 This was just costume jewelry but for this price it might as well have been solid gold. I was shocked that a bunch of people were fighting over this on eBay but results like this is why many items are best sold as an auction as you never know 🙂
Authentic Antique Signed Tiffany Studios NY Bronze LinenFold Glass Lamp 1938
Sale Price $8,800.00 I'll just be honest and tell you that we don't often get premium high value items like this. Some sellers think a big name auction house will net them a better price but eBay is literally the biggest auction in the world so why not?! As someone...